Installing a roof rack can add storage space to the vehicle, making it easier to carry extra luggage or items. Some people who have the conditions to install this kind of rack and have outdoor travel and camping needs may use it more. So, what can be placed on the roof rack? This is actually also particular. It needs to meet certain standards, such as weight and height. You can't place things entirely based on your needs and preferences.
Suitcases or travel bags: This is the most common use of roof racks, especially large SUVs or station wagons, which often need to carry a lot of luggage on long trips. Fixing suitcases or travel bags on the roof rack can greatly save space in the car.
Outdoor equipment: People who like outdoor sports will definitely carry corresponding outdoor equipment. Roof racks can provide a suitable place for these large outdoor equipment such as tents, sleeping bags, mountaineering equipment, skis, surfboards, etc.
Bicycles: Some roof racks are also designed with special bicycle racks, which can fix bicycles on the roof, making it convenient for people who like cycling to carry bicycles on long trips.
Luggage nets or bags: These soft and expandable storage tools can be fixed on the roof rack, and are more suitable for carrying some irregularly shaped or difficult to fix items, such as clothing, sleeping bags, etc.
Small camping equipment: Things like portable stoves, folding tables and chairs, although not heavy, may take up a lot of space in the car, so it is more appropriate to put them on the roof rack.
Weight limit: The roof rack and the roof have weight limits, and exceeding this limit may cause damage to the vehicle. Therefore, before placing items, be sure to understand and comply with the weight regulations of the vehicle and the rack.
Height limit: After placing items, the total height of the vehicle cannot exceed the height limit stipulated by local traffic regulations, otherwise it may cause safety problems and be easily handled by relevant regulations, fines, etc.
Fixed and stable: All items placed on the roof rack must be firmly fixed to prevent falling or moving during driving.
Wind resistance and fuel consumption: After placing items, the wind resistance of the vehicle will increase, thereby affecting fuel consumption and driving stability. It is recommended to make reasonable plans in advance to prevent problems such as insufficient fuel.